Imagica – Bada Interesting Stock Hai

Adlabs imagica is a company which operates in a very interesting business of owning and running a theme park. Themes parks are one of most liked things ( however we should always reserve our bias towards liking of certain companies – what you like is not necessarily profitable). The company is a family entertainment destination (unless you are afraid of the rides) and according to me is in the premium space as far as Indian market is concerned. i had visited the theme park when it was not fully constructed ( along with a group  picnic) and one more recently. […]



Corus not in Chorus with Tata Steel 2

It is one more of the cases in which diversification led to severe destruction of wealth. It can pay sometimes to remain focussed on your niche and remain in you circle of competence. The aggressive behaviour of getting everything is sometimes not required. This is the story of Tata Steel acquiring European company Corus (actually now i am confused whether i should call it still in Europe after ___exit). It was the boom time of commodity cycle (the period when most mistakes are probably made) when Tata Steel made a bid to acquire Corus. On 5th October 2006 Tata Steel […]

The Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meet 2016 – Summary 6

I know I am a bit late for this post but the wisdom of the meeting stays forever. The meeting which was conducted on 30th April was a treat to watch for the entire 6 hrs it was conducted. The wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger thrills and enjoys all of us. The meeting began half an hour before on Yahoo finance in which interviews it showed the exhibits set up by the companies Berkshire Hathaway has invested in. Don’t take this as a small thing as the no of companies in which Berkshire Hathaway has invested is large. […]

Projections of Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. chairman and chief executive officer, and Charles Munger, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., appear on large screens above the floor of the Berkshire Hathaway Inc. annual shareholders meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, U.S., on Saturday, May 2, 2015. More than 40,000 people are expected Saturday at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, which marks Warren Buffett's 50th year running the company. Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg


Temptation Foods – Covering what should be Uncovered and Uncovering what should be Covered 16

Today i don’t know whether i am posting about a food company or some sort of a sexual awareness company or most appropriately a misleading company. The reason why i say this is the annual report of the company. The annual report can be seen as a latest edition of some magazine. However one thing the company has got absolutely correct is its tag line but in an indirect way which is ITS ALL IN THE SENSES. The annual report has involved a lot of Google images search i should say. Some of the screenshots of annual reports are –  […]

The Berkshire Hathway Annual Meet 2016 3

This might be one of the best opportunities in your life time. It is the Woodstock of Capitalism streaming first time live to you at the comfort of your home. Do watch and participate in this exciting and loudly useful AGM (probably one of the very few AGM’s actually useful for everyone). Warren Buffett has teamed up with Yahoo Finance for the live streaming of Annual Meet 2016 of Berkshire Hathway which will enable you to watch the meeting live. The meeting is such in which the masters Warren Edward Buffett and Charles Thomas Munger (just in case you dont love […]

Projections of Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. chairman and chief executive officer, and Charles Munger, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., appear on large screens above the floor of the Berkshire Hathaway Inc. annual shareholders meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, U.S., on Saturday, May 2, 2015. More than 40,000 people are expected Saturday at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, which marks Warren Buffett's 50th year running the company. Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg

Circle of Competence

Know YOUR Circle of Competence 3

This may be probably one of the most important aspects of investing i.e to know your circle of competence. The first question which arises here is to what do you mean by circle of competence. A random google search leads to the following meaning of the word competence The ability to do something well or efficiently. A circle of compentence is the area in which you are comfortable and is the area in which you can have a reasonable enough prediction about the future. You can absolutely have your own circle of competence and you should not get influenced by the circle of competence of others. By […]

A piece of furniture computer and a type writer for 600 cr 6

Dwitiya trading company is a company which it says is engaged in the business of trading of sarees but i don’t think the primary earning for the promoters come from the trading of sarees. It probably comes from some other way. The question which arises is why do i say this- The company is not traded currently on the stock exchanges i mean there are currently no sellers on the exchanges for you to buy. However as per the last traded price the company is valued at some amount close to 600 cr. Does the company does such a valuation […]


noida toll bridge

Noida Toll Bridge Company – The locational moat 11

Noida toll bridge Noida toll bridge company Ltd is a special company which has all the capital expenditure already incurred and now has to only focus on the revenue. Noida toll bridge is a company which is having only one single asset which was also self built by the company. It has a toll bridge as the name suggests which connects mayur vihar area in Delhi and South Delhi. The special thing about this is that it connects the two sides of the Yamuna river and is the only convenient way of commuting daily along the two sides of the […]

Moat – The Larger the Better 8

Moat Probably the most important thing which you should focus on while selecting a stock. What sort of a moat does the company have may well establish what should be your ultimate price you should be ready to pay for the business. Remember that the price you pay influence the return that you get in a big way. Moat is probably some sort of a monopoly created over the years which helps the business to enable pricing power. It is some sort of a good will which can help the business you buy enjoy increasing returns over a period of […]

The castle is difficult to breach due to its structure which is a moat.

return on capital employed image

Return On Capital Employed – An indicator of Efficiency 6

Why is Return On Capital Employed so important Return on Capital Employed is one of the most important metric which i think you need to look while making an investment decision. Return on Capital Employed is simply the earnings which the management makes out of the money which is invested in the business. Return on Capital Employed also helps you to vouch for the efficiency by which a management manages the money which is allocated to it (i dont have to mention that it is shareholders money which the managers are using). For a more accurate view of how to […]